
Home / Проекты / Жити - означає рухатись! / 2013 UIDONATE поддерживает детей проекта "Жити-означає...

2013 UIDONATE поддерживает детей проекта "Жити-означає рухатись!"


Мы рады новому партнеру UIDONATE, которые теперь стали постоянным партнером проекта "Жити - означає рухатись!".

Благодарим коллектив компании за искреннее соучастие судьбе детей, которые борятся с ДЦП!

UIdonate is a project that was created by Uinvest to give an opportunity to uinvestors to share what they are lucky to have with the less fortunate few.

On our website, we list the names, photos, and information of the children that need help.  Once you make a decision which child or children you would like to help, you will be receiving news from the parents, monitor their well-being and be sure that your money goes to exactly to the place where it is needed the most.

We in Uinvest have a simple philosophy: what comes around goes around; as you sow so shall you reap. 

We are pleased to share this philosophy with the members of our Uinvest community and are confident that together we can help even more children and bring the light into the lives of many families.